Your artistic path may be more about your inherent need to create and leave your mark on this world. However, it won't help just by creating more artwork and introducing to the art community. Making sure that your work reaches the right audience and potential buyers is ac crucial achievement to succeed. Promoting your artwork should not feel overwhelm, you don't have to do everything at once. In fact, what's important is targeting the specific goals in your mind, also means promoting your artwork effectively is to decide what you want to archive.
Here are a few tips for Artist who have just started their Art Career:
#1 - Use your Portfolio to Promote your Art
In developing a strong artist portfolio, your goal should be twofold. You should be able to develip your own branding and package your art. Your portfolio should make it easier for submitting into competitions, post on web and social media platforms to help you spread the word.
#2 - Promote Your Art with a Strong Internet Presence
In every industry, digital marketing has became more and more relevant and is no different in the trade of art. Artworks are much easy in going viral when it's online, and having more followers determines more value of yourself as an artist.
#3 - Network, network and network
Many famous artist, gets opportunity out of communications through network. Building your own circles of fans and also network is important for your Art career. Get to know the right people who can bring you more. Eg. Art Galleries, Art Event & Organisers, Art Community & etc.
#4 - Getting Active in your Art Circles
Don't just leave your contacts in your phone, follow up. Don't ignore the benefits of having a network. Build relationship, grow and collaborate.

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