Graphics Art by Shawn Choy

A little bit about Shawn Choy: He's 23 and currently a third-year student at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (NTU) specialising in Advertising.

When did you start and what makes you started?
I can't really put a finger on when I started exactly. I started playing around and experimenting with Photoshop way back in my early secondary school days. It was only until I started university that I really understood what I was doing - how graphics, photographs and layouts are used to communicate. I wasn't even in AEP , haha. I guess I've always been drawn to the visual stuff.
How do you find your inspiration?
Amazing work from other people really gets me going, wanting to improve my own skills. But where I really get ideas is from my own past experiences, things I remember and where I've been.

What is your best achievement?
I was part of the organising committee for a student-run film festival, Perspectives, last year. I was in charge of designing the collaterals. The whole team was great fun and the event was a huge success. Definitely a highlight in my life so far.

Which is your personal favourite?
It's so hard to choose because each project I have on Behance brings back different memories. If I had to choose, it would be my collection of things from the 90s, because you're only a kid once and those are really precious memories.

Who inspires you (favourite artist)?
I can't say I have one. I'm inspired by many people I come across on Behance and other parts of the Internet. I'm often awestruck by the complexity and detail of some works, but it's the incredibly simple and well-executed ideas that really get me. The most effective ideas are often the simplest ones.
Words or advice for aspiring artist?
Haha, I'm not sure if I'm in a position to dish out advice considering that I'm sort of an aspiring artist as well. I don't have the technical training students from NAFA, LASALLE or ADM have (I only ever took a class on graphic communication and publication design a year back), just a keen interest in it. What I would say is to just to keep producing work. If a random idea pops into your head, don't just leave it in there. Get out a pencil and some paper and start sketching.

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